Display in de Etalage
Dagelijks kijken mensen door uw raam naar de beschikbare woningen. Door het scannen van een code via hun smartphone, kunnen zij direct meer info zien én staan zij direct in uw bestand.
Display all coupons your customers can use in your store
Show store categories and browse all paginated products
Your customers can Manage their Shopping Cart entirely in Messenger
Order Completed? The order is Automatically Saved in your Own WooCommerce environment
Customers Finish their order Inside Messenger. They never have to visit your Woo Store
All your Products. All paginated. Zero Effort!
A full list of features is right here
You can register for free and try all our features for free for 14 days. No billing info required, no questions asked.
Download our template flows and install them into your account! This will give you the basic setup, ready to go
Connect your Store to the API. No worries! It is easy as 1-2-3, just enter your URL and click "OK" where asked.
Enter your unique URL in the template and that's it. Seriously! We spent endless hours to make it easy for YOU!
It's time to Upgrade After Your Trial Expired.
For less than $12.50 / month you have access to a whole new selling platfom,
without the hassle of creating it yourself.
(Please note: this price will go up with each feature we unlock: lock your subscription at this price NOW)